Hvor: Forsvarsakademiet, AUD 118, Ryvangs Allé 1, 2100 København Ø.
Hvornår: Tirsdag d. 12. marts kl. 14.00-16.00.
14.00-14.10: Velkomst
Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen, Institut for Militære Operationer, Forsvarsakademiet
14.10-14.25: Ruslands militære kapacitet i et tiårigt perspektiv
Mathieu Boulègue, Chatham House, London
14.25-14.40: Ruslands militære opbygning i Arktis
Jørgen Staun, Institut for Strategi, Forsvarsakademiet
14.40-14.55: Kinesisk-russisk entente i Arktis?
Camilla Sørensen, Institut for Strategi, Forsvarsakademiet
14.55-15.10: Pause
15.10-16.00: Åben debat
OBS: Arrangementet foregår på engelsk
Tilmelding via e-mail til Thorbjørn Frei Andersen på than@fak.dk.
Conference: Russia and China in the Arctic.
Open conference and debate about the consequences and dilemmas of Russian and Chinese presence in the Arctic at the Royal Danish Defence College.
Russia has over the last decade modernised and professionalised its armed forces to the degree that Russia today by some is described as a “strategic competitor” or even as a “near-peer adversary” to NATO – at least on European soil. Moreover, judged by its latest state armament programme, the growth will continue at least until 2027.
But how military capable is Russia? Russia is also building up its military forces in the Arctic, and the question arises of whether its military build-up will threaten its otherwise cooperative course in the Arctic.
At the same time, China is entertaining a stronger position in the Arctic. Will an enhanced Chinese position in the Arctic trigger a Russian balancing vis-à-vis China or can they cooperate and establish a common entente?
When: Tuesday 12 March, 14.00-16.00.
Where: Royal Danish Defence College (RDDC), AUD 118, Ryvangs Allé 1, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
14.00-14.10 Welcome
Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen, Institute for Military Operations, RDDC
14.10-14.25 Russia’s military capability in a ten year perspective
Mathieu Boulègue, Chatham House, London
14.25-14.40 Russia’s military build-up in the Arctic
Jørgen Staun, Institute for Strategy, RDDC
14.40-14.55 Chinese-Russian entente in the Arctic?
Camilla Sørensen, Institute for Strategy, RDDC
14.55-15.10 Break
15.10-16.00 Q&A
For registration – write and e-mail to Thorbjørn Frei Andersen: than@fak.dk