[Oprindeligt publiceret af Forsvarsakademiet]

Forsvarsakademiets signaturkonference ”The Future of War” blev afholdt på Svanemøllens Kaserne d. 28.-29. november 2018, hvor oplæggene fra første konferencedag blev livestreamet på Forsvarsakademiets YouTube-kanal. Livestreamningen er nu publiceret samme sted i fire delvideoer, som kan ses i playlisten THE FUTURE OF WAR - Royal Danish Defence College Signature Conference 2018 (Part 1-4). De indeholder følgende:

Part 1

  • Indledende bemærkninger ved chief moderator, dekan Ole Kværnø
  • Velkomst ved chef for Forsvarsakademiet, kontreadmiral Henrik Ryberg
  • Keynote speaker, Dr. David Kilcullen "The Future of Unconventional Warfare"

Part 2

  • Dr. Peter Viggo Jakobsen "The Future of Great Power War"
  • Professor Martin Van Creveld "The Things that Have Not Changed"
  • General James E. Cartwright "Strategic Stability in the Age of Moore's Law"

Part 3

  • Dr. Thomas X. Hammes "Emerging Technology Favors the Defense"
  • Professor Christopher Coker "Why Munich is the Wrong Analogy: China, the US and the Logic of Great Power Conflict"
  • Assistant Professor Iben Yde "Control on the Battlefield: Rethinking the Human Role in Target Selection and Engagement (in the Age of Autonomous Weapons Systems) – (the Legal Perspective)"

Part 4

  • Dr. Olivier Schmitt "Identifying the enemy. Concepts, representations and future warfare"
  • Professor David Betz "Citadels, marching camps, and linear barriers: How and why walls are becoming central to military practice again"
  • Senior researcher Henrik Ø. Breitenbauch "Revisiting Non-Trinitarian War"