[Oprindeligt publiceret af Forsvarsakademiet]

“Do not send a spy where a schoolboy can go”. Så kontant opsummerer den anerkendte amerikanske efterretningsdebattør Robert David Steele sin kritik af mange Open Source intelligence initiativer. Han mener, at alt for mange får for lidt ud af OSINT.
Mød bl.a. Robert David Steele, og NATOs doktrinekspert indenfor OSINT Sebastian Herbert på Forsvarsakademiets endagsseminar om OSINT, tirsdag den 19. april 2016, 10:00-17:30.

Programmet for dagen byder på en række spændende internationale eksperter og debat om udviklingen og fremtiden indenfor Open Source Intelligence.

Hovedtalerne vil være:

”The concept of Open Source Everything”, som gives af den tidligere efterretningsagent - senere samfundsdebattør og open source-fortaler, Robert David Steele, USA.

“How the new NATO OSINT doctrine is developing”, som gives af Canadas repræsentant i Joint Intelligence Working Group og NATO’s kustode til udviklingen af den ny OSINT doktrin, Maj.  Sebastian Herbert, CAN.

"How to use OSINT in support of Operations”, som gives af den tidligere Red team analytiker og nuværende efterretnings analytiker ved koalitionshovedkvarteret til CJTF-OIR i Kuwait, Capt. Bradley Grimm, USA.

“Conclusions from the OSINT research project “Avatar”, som gives af Avatar-forskningsprojektets forskningsassistent ved Institut for Militære Operationer, Jonas Alastair Juhlin.

Se hele programmet her
Tilmelding via dette link: www.danishdefence.dk/OSINT  senest den 6. april.


Nedenstående finder du mere information om de fire eksperter, som er inviteret til seminaret om Open Source Intelligence.

Mr. Robert David Steele, USA: Speaks on the concept of Open Source Everything.
Mr. Steele holds a BA from Muhlenberg in Political Science (wrote a thesis on multinational corporations and home-host country issues), and a MA from Lehigh University (wrote a thesis on predicting revolution in all forms). He served as an Marine Corps infantry officer, then CIA as a clandestine case officer, did the CIA Mid-Career Course, and before leaving active duty, he assisted the US-Marine Corps in creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Center. Went into the private sector and started the modern Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) movement. Wrote the DIA, NATO, and SOF OSINT Handbook, and created the non-profit Earth Intelligence Network, 501c3. Mr. Steele have published eight books and a number of articles and chapters in addition to books, and he’s now focused on a mix of Open Source Everything (OSE) and Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2). Mr. Steele is at present actively seeking a government-academic-industry sponsor or sponsor group interested in creating the World Brain and Global Game to harness and monetize the distributed intelligence of the Whole Earth.

Maj. Sebastian Herbert, CAN
: Speaks on how the new NATO OSINT doctrine is developing.
 Maj Hébert has served more than 25 years with the Canadian Armed Forces serving mostly as an Intelligence Officer S2. He is currently employed at the Canadian Forces Intelligence Command (CFINTCOM), with a core mandate to deliver Joint Intelligence Doctrine. He is also a Canadian representative to the NATO Joint Intelligence working group (JINTWG) and as such, has been given the task to lead the production of the NATO allied joint Intelligence publication on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Capt. Bradley Grimm, USA
: Speaks on how to use OSINT in support of Operations.
Captain Grimm holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications from Midwestern State University (1993). He’s presently deployed as part of Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) in Kuwait. He serves as Intelligence Support to Information Operations / Military Information Support Operations in the CJTF-OIR headquarters. When not deployed, He’s employed as a contract Red Team Analyst in the Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia area.

Mr. Jonas Alastair Juhlin, DEN
: Speaks on the main conclusions from the OSINT research project “Avatar”.
Mr. Juhlin holds a BA in Arabic Language and a MA in International Law and Security. He is the owner of Expeditionary Solutions, a private company offering research in operational science and the laws of armed conflict. He has worked closely with the Royal Danish Defence Academy since 2014. He is a member of NATO research task group 102 on intelligence exploitation of social media and task group 104 on command and control agility. Mr. Juhlin has also seen active service in ISAF with the Danish Forces.