[Originally published by Royal Danish Defence College]

Why is Iran following a nuclear path that may further destabilise the fragile security situation in the Middle East? In a new paper from the Royal Danish Defence College, Iran’s nuclear aspiration to destabilise power in the Middle East is analysed.

Iran is purportedly attempting to develop a nuclear energy program, and perhaps even a nuclear weapons program, despite assurances of the opposite. An Iranian nuclear weapon would be a game changer in the region and a lot of neighbouring countries fear such a development for security reasons.
But why is Iran following a nuclear path that may further destabilise the fragile security situation in the Middle East? In a new paper from the Royal Danish Defence College, Iran’s nuclear aspiration to destabilise power in the Middle East is analysed.

According to the author Major Thomas G. Nielsen it has to do with Iran’s own perception of security risks, its desire for greatness in the region, and domestic challenges, caused in part by United Nations’ sanctions, lack of development and internal political power struggles. Iran balances cleverly on the edge of either further international isolation or becoming a significant local power. It uses the threat of developing nuclear weapons, in combination with its important strategic location by the Strait of Hormuz, and supports various political group-ings in and around Syria and Iraq to attract the attention of the United States of American in an at-tempt to become recognised as the most important player in the Middle East. 

Should Iran succeed in its brinkmanship and the outcome could be the lifting of the UN sanctions, in-ternational recognition, improved security, and even a possible end to internal political power struggles due to likely economic reforms post-sanctions. Much is at stake for Iran, but, if it succeeds, it could shift the political path in Iran to a less confrontational one, which, in the long run, could enhance security in the region.  This would, however, be at the cost of recognising Iran as a true power in the Middle East and ending the sanctions regime in order to support Iranian development.   

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