[Originally published by Royal Danish Defence College]

In December 2014 The East African Standby Force (EASF) declared “Full Operational Capability” (FOC) and thereby declared to the African Union that the EASF would be ready to deployed if tasked to do so. In Late 2015 the EASF was given the task of preparing a force to go into Burundi, if the decisionsmakers decided to authorize a force to be deployed. At the time of writing this has not happened, but the EASF has prepared for the eventuality, with support from other regions.

Amb. Chanfi Issimail the Director of EASF, has been invited to give an inside into the challenges facing EASF and African regional security institutions, and present the current status on the EASF role in Burundi. Evenmore, he will present what challenges, both political and military, that lies ahead for the futher development of the organisation. Finally he will touch upon the future role and involvement of the international donors, including Denmark. Read more about Amb. Issimail.

Centre of African Studies and the Royal Danish Defence College hosts the seminar. The seminar will take place at “Kornloftet”, Defence Library, Kastellet 46, 2100 Copenhagen East.

For questions related to the seminar please contact: Associate Professor Thomas Mandrup, e-mail: imk-06@fak.dk, telephone: +45 2274 8390.

More information about the seminar here.