[Originally published by Royal Danish Defence College]

As part of the IECEU project under the EU Horizon 2020 initiative the RDDC and its EU partner institutions is inviting to a public seminar focusing on the EU CSDP policy initiatives and its conflict prevention and management initiatives in Africa.

The EU has been a significant contributor to conflict prevention and post-conflict interventions and reconstruction initiatives around the globe, and in-particular in Africa. This seminar will present findings from four case studies of EU conflict preventive and management initiatives in Africa, and try to identify strengths and weaknesses from these operations.

The cases show that EU has at best mixed results from its engagements in conflict prevention and management, but also that EU is not always to blame. What has been success, and what has not, especially why. The seminar will try to compare the findings from the four studies, and will attempt to point to and produce general lessons learned and lessons identified for future EU CSDP initiatives in Africa. The IECEU will end up producing recommendation to the EU Commission on the future role of EU as a conflict management tool.

Registration to: imk-p07@fak.dk no later than 31. October 2016

Venue: “Kornloftet”, Royal Danish Defence Library, Kastellet, Copenhagen
1st November 2016 09.00-15.00

Program EU conflict prevention experiences in Africa 

09:00-09:15 Introduction and framing Associate Prof. Thomas Mandrup, RDDC/SU

09:15-10.00 EU as conflict manager Prof. Gorm Rye Olsen, RUC,
10:00-10.10 Q/A 

10:25-10:50 South Sudan - EU CDSP Missions: Expectations vs Reality? Lasse Christensen, Former HoM EUAVSEC SSudan

10:50-11.15 Libya – the impossible task? Jyrki Ruohomäki, CMC Finland

11:15-11.35 CAR – Caught in regional and national state interests? Elisa Norvanto, FINCENT

11:35 – 12:00 DRC – can we succeed without local ownership? Thomas Mandrup, RDDC/SU

12:00-13:00 – Lunch (No host) 

13:00-14:00 Expert input Agnes Faure, Head of Mission, Project Zingo, Central African Republic
DR. Judith Verweijen, Ghent University, Belgium),
DR. Annemarie Peen Rodt, RDDC,
Mr. Maruan El-Kraski, Crisis Management Initiative

14:00-15:00 Q/A Thomas Mandrup, RDDC/SU