[Originally published by Royal Danish Defence College]

The Royal Danish Defence College, in cooperation with The US Embassy in Denmark and The Danish Society for War Studies, have the pleasure of inviting to a public lecture with Mr. J. M. Berger from the Washington based Brookings Institute on Islamic State and its use of Media.

Public lecture by Mr. J. M. Berger, Brookings Institute:

Facts and myths Islamic State Engagement on Social Media

The Royal Danish Defence College, Auditorium in building 118,
Thursday the 28th of January from 15:30 to 17:00.

Based on a brief history of jihadist use of media and the Internet Mr. Berger will talk about the facts and myths, Islamic State's engagement on Social Media, their online recruitment practices and the effectiveness and unintended consequences of account suspensions and other initiatives to mitigate the much talked about Islamic State success online.   
Follow this link to subscribe:  www.danishdefence.dk/Public-lecture-on-ISIS-2016. Last chance to sign up is on the 21th of January. 

J.M. Berger is a nonresident fellow in the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World in the Center for Middle East Policy. With roots in newspaper journalism. Berger is an author and analyst studying extremism.
Berger is especially known for his research into the tactics of extremists on social media. In addition to important articles on the subject for The Atlantic and Foreign Policy, he co-authored the 2013 study “Who Matters Online: Measuring influence, evaluating content and countering violent extremism in online social networks,” which introduced new analytical techniques for understanding extremist social networks. He expanded on these techniques in 2015 with The ISIS Twitter Census, published by the Brookings Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World. 
(Source: http://www.brookings.edu/experts/bergerjm?view=bio