[Originally published by Royal Danish Defence College]

In 2016 and beyond, the long conflict-ridden region of South Asia is faced with ever-growing challenges, especially the countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan. An important barrier to overcome in order to attain the benefits of mutual cooperation and collaboration is to address the currently challenged trust level between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The mutual-trust building and reconciliation seminar is seeking to overcome an important barrier in order to attain the benefits of mutual cooperation and collaboration. 

As a part of the seminar there will be a launch of the antology Regional Stability & Peacebuilding Initiating Reconciliation Between Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Beyond (David Vestenskov red.). The antology has contributions by Annemarie Peen Rodt and Peter Viggo Jakobsen from the Royal Danish Defence College, as well as Yunas Samad (University of Bradford) and William Maley (Australian National University).

There are a few spots available still. To request an invitation or for questions on the seminar, contact Christian Høj Hansen: de-p03@fak.dk - please write your name and workplace in the mail.